Hi, I'm Max.

Profile of Max Arnold

I am a Web Developer/Designer and Multimedia Producer.

I am a recent graduate of the University of Missouri - Columbia. I graduated with a bachelor's degree in Journalism with an emphasis in Multimedia Producing.

I have been involved with professional video production for over six years. I have produced my own multimedia stories, including video, audio, text, infographics and photos.

At the University of Missouri I have been able to learn many new things and that is what led me to web development. I have learned HTML, CSS, JavaScript, C, Python, Command Line, Git, and GitHub. I'm currently working on a personal web project using React.

My Skills.

HTML icon

Web Design & Development

In my last semester at the University of Missouri, I took two classes in which I learned Python and web design. I was opened to the amazing world of programming and I've been teaching myself web development ever since.

Max Arnold working a camera at the Ballpark at Rosemont, home of the Chicago Bandits.


For the past 8 years, using cameras and producing great video content has been my life. I have learned how to livestream sports broadcasts, tv shows, and more. I have created my own stories and filmed real ones. I've been in front of and behind the camera. Making things look good on camera is what I do.